- Seedhouse “after” 2022
The web of life. It’s all connected. And we’re facing a climate crisis that requires some kind of action. The Conservancy has chosen to take this action: to reduce its use of energy, to source that energy from the sun, to recycle as much as possible, to permanently protect land for future generations (of humans and wildlife), to reuse buildings instead of demolishing them (saving precious landfill space), and to inspire others to undertake similar sustainability measures.
The Seedhouse is a demonstration project. Come for a visit to see:
- net-zero energy usage from the grid thanks to a 5kw solar array
- pervious pavers in rear parking area to retain as much water on site as possible, reducing the flow of pollutants into our streams and stormwater system
- rain barrels to further collect rainwater for irrigation
- 16-SEER 2-speed HVAC system to control temperature and humidity for improved air quality
- energy-efficient windows and doors
- insta-hot tankless water heater
- low-VOC and high LRV paint to improve air quality and reduce energy needs, respectively
Join us in 2022 for the Seedhouse Suppers, part of our Sustainability Series.